Chess Rules

Chess Rules: How to Play Chess and Win?

By George

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Chess rules are an essential part of understanding the object of this classic game. Chess is a strategy game, which helps you improve your logical and strategic thinking. People of all ages have been playing the game for decades and chess will be part of people’s lives forever. So, if you want to learn how to play chess, we will provide you with all the information you need to master your game. 

What Is the Game of Chess?

Chess rules are the things you should keep in mind before starting the game. According to the checkmate game rules two players play. Players can play on a wooden board, marked with black and white squares. 

The pieces used in the game, according to the rules of chess, are in different shapes. All chess symbols are also divided into black and white. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent’s king by following the checker rules.

How to Play Chess?

Before you start following the checkmate game rules you will need the wooden box. It folds out into a board and all 32 chess pieces. The board looks like a grid of light and dark squares. 

According to the chess rules, the game continues until one of the players checkmates the opponent’s king. The other option is for one of the players to quit or declare a draw. And if you play chess using a chess clock, when a player exceeds his time limit, he loses.

There are no chess rules for playing that determine which player should play with White or Black, so it’s up to you. It is common for one person to hide a pawn of each colour in their hands and the other to choose a hand. This way, the players choose the colour they will play with and nobody can blame the other. According to the Shatranj game, the player with white starts first, and after that they take turns.

You need to know that according to the checker rules, you cannot miss a turn under any circumstances. If you cannot make a good move, it is best to consider the available move options. Thus taking minimal damage. And most importantly, be careful not to cause a situation in which your king is under attack.

Shatranj Game Rules for Setting up the Board

To properly set up the chessboard, you first need to make sure you have positioned it correctly. According to the chess rules for playing the game, you have to place the board so that there is a light square in each player’s right corner. Horizontal rows are also known as ranks, while the vertical ones as files.

There are specific checker rules for arranging the pieces. You cannot place the pieces wherever you wish to. To make it easy for you to follow the chess rules, we will first explain to you what the pieces look like.

  • Pawn – Pawns are the eight smallest identical pieces each player has.
  • Rook – It is slightly taller than the pawns and resembles a castle tower.
  • Bishop – The bishops in chess are usually medium-sized and have pointed caps, like the queen’s crown.
  • Knight – You are unlikely to have trouble distinguishing this piece from the others. Its head looks like a horse’s head.
  • Queen – The queen is larger compared to the other pieces, yet shorter than the King. The crown she wears looks like a tiara.
  • King – It is the largest piece in the game and has a cross on the top of the crown.
  • You must place the rooks in both corners of the board just like the towers of a castle. Right next to them is where you should place the knights, followed by the bishops.  

According to chess rules, you must always place the queen on a square that matches her colour. So after placing the rook, knight, and bishop, the queen goes onto the square with her colour, next to a bishop. Then place the king next to her, and you have all the pawns lined up in a row in the rank in front of the other pieces.

Chess How to Play and What Do You Need to Play It?

As we already said, the Shatranj game does not need any special equipment. All you need is a set of chess pieces a chessboard, and of course, an opponent. The chess piece set consists of 6 types of pieces of each colour: 8 pawns, 2 knights, 2 bishops, 2 rooks, a king, and a queen.

Both the board and the pieces can be wooden or plastic.  There are sometimes luxury chess sets made of more expensive materials.

If you want to try playing the Shatranj game by the professional checker rules, you can add a chess clock. These are the checkmate game rules that professional chess plates follow when competing.

Chess Rules for Playing and Moving the Pieces

According to the rules of chess, each type of chess piece has its distinct way of moving across the chessboard. None of the pieces can jump over the other pieces, except for the knight. However, you can move them to capture the opponent’s pieces and occupy their positions. Following the checker rules, you must remove the captured piece from the game.

It’s important to keep in mind that you cannot capture the king according to the checkmate game rules. Now, let’s focus on the movements of all chess pieces.

Checker Rules Pawn Rules

We will start with the smallest yet important piece – the pawn. Despite their small size, pawns have the most complex movement chess rules for playing among all pieces. Pawns move forward by one square, except for the very first move they make. Then they can move one or two squares. They have the right to capture the enemy’s pieces only when they are one square in front of them diagonally.

It is worth noting that checker rules do not allow pawns to move backwards. Additionally, if there is another piece directly in front of a pawn, the other piece blocks it and the pawn cannot move. Overall, this highly underestimated piece in chess holds significant power.


When following the chess rules, just like in checker rules and pawn rules, you must keep in mind what legal moves the knight can make. As previously mentioned, it’s the only piece that can jump over others, moving in an L-shape. 

Horizontally, the night can move either one or two squares left or right. Accordingly, it can move two or one square up or down vertically. According to the rules of chess, it can only capture an opponent’s piece, when it lands on it.

How to Play Chess With the King?

As you already know, the king is the most crucial piece in the rules of chess, yet it’s also the weakest. It can move only one square in any direction – forward, backward, sideways, and diagonally. It’s important to remember that according to chess rules, the king cannot move if it’s under check. The king can only perform his special move castling once.


In chess rules for playing, the queen is the most powerful piece, so it’s important to guard it when making moves. The queen moves in all directions as long as its path isn’t obstructed by another piece. Its wide range of movement on the board allows it to easily capture the opponent’s pieces. However, let’s remind you that, according to the checker rules, its move concludes once it captures an opponent’s piece.

Rook’s Moves in Chess Rules for Playing

The rook’s movement in the game of chess rules allows it to move an unlimited number of squares both horizontally or vertically. It’s important to emphasize that it cannot jump over other pieces. If another piece blocks its path, it captures that piece. Rooks can be an exceptionally strong piece when protecting the other rook. Furthermore, a great advantage is that it can move backwards when necessary.


In a game of chess rules, each player has two bishops, which cannot jump over other pieces. Bishops move diagonally. As you know, the white bishop can only move on white squares and a black bishop – on black squares. They can help you win easily if you use them strategically.

Chess How to Play: End of a Game

Chess is often called the “game of kings”, is a game that can end in various ways. Here, we explore the different outcomes of a chess game, from draws to checkmates and even when players decide to call it quits.

How Do You End in a Draw?

In chess, a draw signifies a game conclusion without a clear winner. Several scenarios can lead to a draw:

  • Stalemate – This occurs when a player has no legal moves left, and their king is not in check. The game ends in a draw because the player can’t make a move, but their king is not in immediate danger.
  • Insufficient Material – If both players have limited pieces left, none of which can deliver checkmate, there is a draw. This often happens when there are just kings or kings and knights/bishops left on the board.
  • Fifty-Move Rule – If both players make 50 consecutive moves without a pawn move or a capture, there is a draw. This rule prevents games from dragging on endlessly.
  • Threefold Repetition – If the same position occurs three times with the same player and the same set of legal moves there is a draw.

How Do You Checkmate?

Checkmate is the ultimate goal in chess rules for playing. It occurs when a player’s king is under attack (in check), and there is no legal move they can make to escape the threat. The game ends, and the player delivering the checkmate is the winner. 

You can checkmate your opponent in countless ways. It typically involves coordinating your pieces to control key squares. Another key element is restricting the opponent’s king.

Giving Up Before Checkmate

Sometimes, players recognize the inevitable and give up before checkmate occurs. Resignation is a common practice when a player believes they have no chance of turning the Shatranj game around. 

Shatranj Game Tournament Rules

In chess tournaments, the International Chess Federation sets the rules. The Federation carefully thinks them out. There are even rules for players with disabilities.

These rules may not be the same as regular chess for playing rules. But it’s a good idea to be familiar with them if you plan to watch a tournament.

  • Moving Chess Pieces — In chess tournaments, players must make their moves with just one hand. Also, according to checker rules, once a hand leaves a piece, you cannot change the move unless it’s an illegal move. So, when castling, you must first move the king and then the rook with the same hand. This prevents unintentional rule violations.
  • Touching Chess Pieces — In chess tournaments, the rules state that if you touch a piece while it’s your turn, even by mistake, you must move this piece. You can wave this rule only if the touched piece has no legal moves. If you touch your opponent’s piece, you must capture it if there’s a legal move for that. If neither of the touched pieces can legally move, there’s no penalty.
  • Time in Chess — You may have noticed timers in chess tournaments that players press after making their moves. This is because tournament chess has time limits, monitored by a chess clock. According to the Shatranj game rules, each player manages their time and must make their move within a fixed amount of time. 

Strategies in the Game Following Chess Rules

To triumph in this game, merely understanding all the rules of chess isn’t sufficient. Every player has their gameplay style and strategies that you can adapt. If you are wondering how to play chess like a professional, you can do it by observing different tournaments. 

Anyway, four fundamental strategies can help you improve your game. Therefore, read the following lines carefully to ensure an easier victory.

Safeguarding the King According to Checkmate Rules

By now, you should know that the king is the most vulnerable, yet also the most important, piece in chess rules. Given that the game concludes the moment it’s checkmated, protecting it is of great importance. 

You can move it to a corner of the chessboard where safeguarding is easier. Also, don’t delay castling, as you can only perform if you haven’t moved your pieces. Therefore, don’t rush moving the king and the rook, so that you can perform castling when you have the opportunity. And remember, it does not matter how close you are to victory if your king can get checkmated.

Preserve Your Pieces 

Every piece in checkers rules holds value and can contribute to winning the game. Don’t underestimate your pieces and give them away to your opponent without gaining something in return. Some players intentionally position their pieces so that if one gets taken, another can capture the opponent’s piece. Additionally, according to Shatranj game rules, each piece has a point value so that you know how valuable the piece is:

  • Pawn — 1 pint
  • Knight — 3 points
  • Bishop — 3 points
  • Rook — 5
  • Queen — 9
  • King — Priceless

At the end of the game, these point values hold little significance, but they are useful while playing. So, it’s not advisable to sacrifice a rook or bishop to capture an opponent’s pawn.

Checkmate rules: Play With All of Your Pieces

Advising you to guard your pieces and not giving them up easily to your opponent, doesn’t mean you should be afraid to move them on the board. Let’s recall that the objective of checker rules is to checkmate your opponent’s king. 

Therefore, you should place all your pieces across the playing field to have a strong offensive. Therefore, don’t rely on successful attacks using just 1-2 pieces, use all you have.

Control the Field With Chess Rules

Just like in most other games, when you dominate on the playing field, you have more options to choose from. Hence, it’s advisable to have control over the centre of the chessboard. By doing so, you’ll have more space to manoeuvre your pieces and make it challenging for your opponent. Moreover, you can capture a piece in the process while your opponent ponders their moves.

Chess How to Play Different Variations of the Game?

Sooner or later people come up with variations of every popular game. Players also find some of them more interesting and intriguing than the original ones. Well, the Shatranj game is not left behind, especially since it is so popular all over the world. Therefore, there are many popular variations of it and its chess rules for playing. 

Viking chess rules are similar to original chess for trim rules. The same applies to Chinese chess rules for playing, Three-player chess etc.. No matter which variation of the game you choose, you will enjoy yourself.

History and Origin of the Shatranj Game

The history and origin of the chess rules date back to antiquity. The game has a fascinating evolution that spans centuries and cultures. The precise origins remain unknown. However, a common believe is that chess emerged in India in the Gupta Empire, around the 6th century. 

Initially, the game’s name was “chaturanga,” which translates to four military divisions. It represents infantry, cavalry, elephants, and chariots. The game mirrored the warfare of that era. Chaturanga gradually spread to Persia, where it transformed into the Shatranj game.

From Persia, chess found its way to the Islamic Countries. There it became a symbol of intellect and strategic thinking. By the 9th century, the shatranj game had captured the imagination of the Muslim world and the Islamic Golden Age. The game spread to Byzantium and the Arab Caliphates, eventually reaching the European continent.

As it travelled westward, chess evolved further. It acquired new chess rules for playing rules, pieces, and strategic depth. The modern names for chess pieces like “queen” and “bishop” date back to this period. The checker rules became standardized in Europe during the 15th century. And that resulted in the chess rules for playing we know today.

Where Can You Play Chess?

Since the Shatranj game is so popular, you have many options where to play it. If you have a chess board and chess pieces, you can easily play it with a friend. And if you don’t have a game board, don’t worry, because nowadays everything is available online. You can easily find online variations of the game and apply your knowledge of chess rules.

Is It Possible to Play Chess Online in Indian Casinos?

Although chess is undoubtedly a cherished game, you won’t find it among the online casino games in India. The online casinos we suggest on our platform provide a great number of casino games. You will find many card games within the live casino sections, such as poker, baccarat, and blackjack.

So, even though online chess is not available on Indian casino platforms, we advise you to give some of these games a chance. They require a combination of luck and skill.

Bonus Read

If you want to expand your universe, we invite you to read our extensive, informative guides on:

Playing Chess Offline

As we already mentioned, you can enjoy the Shatranj game just like in the old days. Grab a chessboard and invite a friend for a play. The same chess-for-trim rules apply, no matter whether you play offline or online.


Chess rules have gained global fame, captivating millions of players. Whether you engage in the physical original chess board game or its versions, like Chinese chess rules for playing, you won’t regret playing. While there are no online chess games in Indian web casinos, you can find many interesting card games that are worth playing. So, go ahead and try your luck!

FAQ about Chess Rules

We tried to dive deep into the rules of any game, but there are always some details that we may miss. If you have any questions, you can find the most frequently asked ones on the topic.

How to play chess better?

A good approach is to watch chess tournaments. You can study their moves and strategies to incorporate them into your own game.

Do chess rules allow moving more than 1 piece in a single turn?

It is not allowed to move more than one piece in a single turn, except for castling,

Do chess rules for playing allow moving pieces backwards?

You can move all the pieces, except for the pawn, backwards.

What are the basic rules in the Shatranj game?

The basic rules of chess include starting with a set board arrangement. Then moving pieces according to their specific rules, capturing the opponent’s pieces. The aim is to checkmate the opponent’s king while protecting your own.

What are 3 illegal moves in chess rules?

Moving the King into Check, Capturing the King and Castling Through Check.

September 25, 2023